Monday 29 October 2012


Yeah it's the day everyone anticipated for so damn long !!! Saturday is the day history making because Korea most wanted is here in Malaysia for us , ya'll know who i'm referring to . Yes it's Big Bang , since the girls in family are all die hard T.O.P fans . It's not that hard to figure out we all here to support him . Oh oppa TOP sarangheayo i'm coming to see you !!!

The heat of hell can't kill our undying spirit for Big Bang !

These 2 jokers in action again , trying to invade the concert.....gate XD

Even before 2pm the whole gang already move out to the concert venue - Stadium Merdeka . Just as i thought we were the earliest , my sis reported that some insane fans already camping there the night before concert begin @.@ and i think that's too much . Super heat that afternoon but nothing can stop us , at least for a while .

We love Big Bang !!! Support Forever !!!

Family Unity For Idol :)

Did you realised we're all wearing blue ? It's too obvious to support them since the colour of concert theme is blue . Just as now i complained about the heat , and the lord upstair answered my calling . Shit i've made a mistake , it's raining cats and dogs directly that moment . So we have to wait under the rain getting all cold and wet instead of hot dry sunny . Great job Tyffenie Ho great job =.=

Early Empty Stadium VS Super Long Queue WC XD

Finally get in !!! Raincoats for backup XP

After super long wait outside the stadium for almost 4 hours (Damn i'm too old for this) , finally we rush our way in and get a hot spot before anybody else does . The organiser still have a bit humanity by giving out free raincoats after they let us suffocate outside for so damn long . Well enough for the complains , let's get ready for the greatest show ever existed in the universe - a lil bit too dramatic huh ?

From Day Til Night... The moment is NOW !!!


The fans began to enter one by one and soon the whole stadium was filled up with Big Bangers (hahaha it's kinda stupid to say this way~Bangers~) . Everyone patiently waited for another 2 hours before the show start in 8pm , and along come the gang out from capsules . OMG i almost cry when see all of them , GD & Taeyang the bad boys , Seungri & Dae Sung the funny men and the hottest male in Korea - Oppa T.O.P my love !!!

Big Bang bring out the best of them for almost 3 hours , with the collaboration of US band , top Korean dancers , 3D effect stage with all those fireworks , awesome stage performances and their own cuteness plus hotness . We screamed til half death that night but satisfied , real satisfied . I love you guys Big Bang !!!

Monday 22 October 2012

Sunday Cycling

Sunday brings back the old memories as we went cycling at Shah Alam . I lost track of how long it's been since the last time on a bike , fortunately the skill was still there . And i was comfort with the others company cause all haven't ride a bike for 10 years or longer XD  

Happy to get a bike.. after 2 hours awaiting though

Posing with sis and mom 

The wait for rent a bike alone takes forever since it's sunday , the crowd is even bigger than usual . So we leave it to the boyfriend and patiently awaiting our ride . I guessed everyone loves cycling since the waiting took us 2 hours , yes you heard me , 2 freakin hours to get the bicycles . 

Group shoot before the expedition ,  a tiny one i'd say

The boyfriend more likely a lifeguard than cyclist , come on~

Finally everyone settle down with a ride for own , we start to get used to it . A lil bit shaking and unstable at first but everyone manage to overcome the gap , moments later all was like pro cyclist hahaha . The environment was nice since it's a national park liked area , with all the greens and even a lake , this place is perfect for wonder around on bike .

Monkey sign , better believe that...

Baby says cycling was his ''thang'' , totally

Even hedgehog ? Gimme a break~

My memories recall the mountain bike was bigger , oh well...

Everyone rides carefully and slow steady , except for one person . Yes indeed it's the boyfriend start showing off his cycling skills , all those fast cycling,emergency braking,bike hopping and on and on...
He finally found his only good in sports - cycling (This guy TOTALLY SUCKS in every single sports you can imagine , even pool XD)

That sweet moment 

All of us worn out stamina after 2 hours of hill climbing and downhill gliding , on a bike of course . Overall it's a great experience to get back on a bike after all these years , would definitely try again next time . Since the hyper confident moron said he's gonna get a bike , you know who i'm refering to XP  

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Happy Birthday Dear Sis

Somebody special turn 18 that sunday so it's celebration time again , finally my lil sis has grown to be mature . The family set up a birthday dinner for her , i'm guessing it's a special moment for her since 18th birthday is the most memorable .

Balloon's !!! Perfect birthday deco

Pics taking time~ say cheese~

Mom's get everything well planned for lil sis birthday , we went to a restaurant bar called Mr.Ho Restaurant . Wow i never know dad owned a restaurant , hahah just kidding it's a coincidence .
Quite a nice retro family style dinner , the atmosphere is great with all the birthday decorations . 

Got some greens as it's our fav

Manly served steak

The signature roast pot platter~ nyumm

Can't conclude as celebration without the feast right ? so we ordered a huge portion of dish which include almost everything in it . The roast pork knuckle , bacon strips , sausages etc just flooded the whole plate . This mixture can feed 4 people at least , i would say . All the smoky and bbq taste goes along perfectly with the crunchy crispy skin layer , meaty satisfaction .

On the house... so sweet

Spot the birthday banner on bar ?

Finally finish the war with that meat platter , the waiter surprise us with a birthday cake slice . Said it was on the house from the kitchen , lil sis really touched i can see tears in her eyes XD . Overall the birthday dinner was a blast since all those unexpected birthday deco and cake , nice tasty meal and sweet beverages , plus the whole family was there for her . Happy birthday my dear lil sis May , hope all your wishes come true... 

Monday 15 October 2012

W.I.P Bangsar - small session

Suppose to blog about my weekend yesterday but fell sick so delay today , last saturday went to W.I.P at Bangsar with the boyfie for a chill session before going home . Alcohol was always perfect for weekend nights , agree?

I think girly is the definition

that wine cellar , talk about quantity

Gobble & Guzzle

The atmosphere is nice and relax as usual , not many huge crowd though tonight so i guess all went for clubbing . We'll just do it light tonight since not quite an alcoholic ,  forget the gobble menu since we've had our dinner before .

wondering sights 

Peach Mojito @.@

I ordered a mojito while the boyfie stick to his corona , as usual . W.I.P is famous for their wine collection though , but the different types of mojitos spark some interest for girls i guess . But the bartender added too much vodka in mine , damn~

Guys like their beers glow ?

All about noise pics , bad lightning...

Drink awhile smoke awhile just doing nothing , this is how i wanna end my day everyday . Overall the impression is good about this place . Just that we need more buddies along for a big session , maybe nextime . For sure it's a promise .

Monday 8 October 2012

Crepe Crusader - Nadeje

Seems like i left out something in yesterday's post , yes the Munch Trip won't complete without this significant dessert everyone must have when visit Melaka . The infamous Mille Crepe by Nadeje , popular til the girls insane for it .

The interior is better than Hello Kitty Sweets in TW , i must say

Only 5pm in the evening not many leftovers

Located at Mahkota Parade , we can saw lots of peeps in line waiting for table . Damn great business so it might be true after all that their mille crepe is the best in Melaka , but one thing that i hate had to be long line . 

Earl Grey again ? Nahh...

Without further await , everyone order different kind of crepes to share together . Girls like sharing and the guys ain't a big fan of sweets that much , so the portion should be alright . Except i will have the biggest cut from it though , hahahah XD

Yes the show stoppers arrived

Chocolate Banana Crepe

The Original Flavour

My favourite ! Strawberry Mille Crepe :)

1st time trying this kind of dessert , crepe is just a thin layer of flour . So the idea of Nadeje is to place 20-30 layers of crepe above each other in between of creme , to create that super soft and creamy texture that normal cakes can't achieve . Very brilliant though , in love with the strawberry for that little bit of sourness . Yumm my favourite for the day .

Sunday 7 October 2012

Melaka Munch Trip

It's suppose to be the Korea trip post after the Taiwan's but still can't get all the pics together , decided to go on a short trip last weekend clear my mind out from stress . So here to share the short trip of Melaka with you guys , a historical state with lots of food food food and food XD

Not that tasty... for real though

You can see he ain't satisfied XD

Looks bored ? Taste bored too !

The 1st stop once reach Melaka is the chicken rice ball , not my idea but my sis insists to have it or we aren't count to visit Melaka at all . Oh well went to a big shop with food critic 蔡瀾 as ambassador so we thought it must be big shot... NO~ not even a medium shot . Not nice at all the chicken rice ball , waste of time . Maybe we went to the wrong shop .

He Noticed It

Just check that queue out ! A must visit

Now that's what i'm talking bout 

Sis Approved !

Did i mention above that it's a munch trip ? Damn right i did so let's move on after the total let down of chicken rice ball . Comes to a roadside shop Jonker88 , i can sense this is nice cause the waiting line is like forever length . You even have to self service yourself here , we let the boyfriends do everything .
Menu - Asam Laksa with hard boiled egg and prawn plus crispy beancurd . 1 word - Fantastic , not too spicy nor sour just tip it nicely the way i like .

Chill and Creamy~

Tyff Approved !

Not to forget the ABC snowflakes as well in Jonker88 , mouth watering and comes the perfect timing after we finish the Asam Laksa . The richness of Santan (coconut paste) wonders wildly by the tongue , that creamy and icy taste is everyone's dream . I'm satisfy but the show must go on , let's go again .

With the lovebirds :)

By the riverside 

This two are charming XD

Sweet moment together

Things that normally tourists do , eat some local specialties and wonder around checking out . Oh and photos time , yeap we did as well took couple of shots before move on to another feasting ground . Mostly walking distance so it's really convenient to visit Melaka , by foot .

Portuguese leftovers

The bodyguards - Frischman & Rey

In love with this shot :)

Visited couple of historical buildings here and took lots of shots , quite enjoyable but tiring as well since the heat weather and sore foot . You won't felt that time pass by fast in here cause there's too much too see , when i checked my watch again it's already dinner time . Munch time again !

Portuguese style roast stingray

Oyster Omelette

Portuguese style clam (Lala by Malaysian)

Dinner at the Jonker walk , famous for it's night market style stalls . The boyfie recommend us roast seafood since he tried it before and two thumbs up . Yeah right... we'll put that to the test . Proved he's right since in just a blink of eye , all gone to out stomach . Frischman loves clam so much he had another plate of it , said wanna challenge 1000 clams... =.=|||