Wednesday 3 October 2012

End of TW Chapter

Comes to this day when every trip has an ending , also the saddest one . I have a bad habit of thinking not going back to homeland every time visit other countries , damn... should've become an adventurer hahahha . We wake early for the flight back to MY , not forgetting to take some final shot of the hostel .

Flip Flop Hostel

The guys with our friendly hostess

Yeap group photos are necessary in the leaving part , and also the nightmare of huge ass luggages .
Bought too much in TW and the end means the guys hard time carrying all of those XD . We head to Tao Yuan Airport by bullet train , pretty convenient just like HK (Damn i miss HK) .

The crazy boyfriend

They say we look alike ?

Camwhore Time~~~

It doesn't take long til we reach the airport , checked in everything and awaiting for the plane to arrive . Feel really unwilling to go back , i know the word's a bit harsh but who doesn't wish to stay longer here ? I will be back TW , until next time... goodbye Taiwan .

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