Monday 15 October 2012

W.I.P Bangsar - small session

Suppose to blog about my weekend yesterday but fell sick so delay today , last saturday went to W.I.P at Bangsar with the boyfie for a chill session before going home . Alcohol was always perfect for weekend nights , agree?

I think girly is the definition

that wine cellar , talk about quantity

Gobble & Guzzle

The atmosphere is nice and relax as usual , not many huge crowd though tonight so i guess all went for clubbing . We'll just do it light tonight since not quite an alcoholic ,  forget the gobble menu since we've had our dinner before .

wondering sights 

Peach Mojito @.@

I ordered a mojito while the boyfie stick to his corona , as usual . W.I.P is famous for their wine collection though , but the different types of mojitos spark some interest for girls i guess . But the bartender added too much vodka in mine , damn~

Guys like their beers glow ?

All about noise pics , bad lightning...

Drink awhile smoke awhile just doing nothing , this is how i wanna end my day everyday . Overall the impression is good about this place . Just that we need more buddies along for a big session , maybe nextime . For sure it's a promise .

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