Sunday 18 November 2012

Geographer Surprises

Last week was a stressed one although there's two holidays within it , but you knew when there's holiday means there's work pilled up . Damn it ! Need to release stress or imma suicide for it , gonna drink it up keep do the shots til drop . Where to ? Geographer it is !

With dearest mom & Aunt Ling

Hang out with parent is .............

There were two sessions for the night at Geographer , nothing i would expect how the night turn out to be . For the first part , we reached there early as 9pm to join my mom and her friends .  Order some beers and grubs and soon everyone just drink the hell out , it's cool to hang with the elders sometime .

German Bratwurst with Mash Potatoes

Spaghetti Carbonara with Bacon ( Yea lots of bacon ! )

Though i understand the beers and brews were main attraction in Geographer , but the food here is quite the bomb too . Most of em' goes real well with alcohol , is it or i'm drunk XD . Whatever , move on to the first surprise of the night . It's the boyfie's ! I never see him so thrilled in taking pictures until that moment........

Yes It's Bon Jovi Guitarist - Richie Sambora !!!

Uncle Jacky & Aunt Ling , they're nice people :)

Damn right that's Bon Jovi guitarist there , i can't even imagine he's just in front posing with my boy camwhoring ! Really a surprise when the boyfie spotted Mr. Sambora drinking with couple of buddies at Geographer , must be on vacation . He stunned us even more when the house band invited Richie up stage to perform , the guitar solo part was amazing ! It's an honour to be this close with the legend .

First try and i'm in love with savanna :)

My boy , love him , cherish him

Gotta cooled our excitement down after meeting Mr. Sambora , ordered more booze but i found one most special since it's my first testing it . The Savanna Dry , it was like cider taste beer but the rank is more premium than Somersby i guessed . I can tell you after finish that i was 50% on my drunkness level , then the second surprise came uninvited....

My dearest madu May , love her

Along came Adel joining the fun :)

Girls Gone Wild XD

You know they say about De Ja Vu right ? Well i din't expect it to come directly , just now Richie Sambora was spotted by us and it's karma since my BFF spotted us right back ! Yes my gang of girls were all at Geographer sitting  two table next to us , it was faith definitely since i bump into Adel two times in a row here . Really happy to see all my babes , not to mention getting more drunk XD

The second session was a wild one , didn't the vid convinced you guys already XD ? Really love all my babes and hanging out with them was forever pleasure to me . We made fun each other , sang and laughed together , camwhoring around and time just flew by without noticing . I must admit i'm drunk and lucky boyfie was always there for take care me . Overall the night was awesome ! Love all my family , babes and my boy ! Nah i ain't drunk....

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