Wednesday 7 November 2012

Venus Birthday ~

Opps before my memory faded it's my collegue birthday as well last busy week , here again wish you one more time my dear -- Happy Happy Birthday Venus ! Well it's a tradition in company to celebrate every staff members' birthday , so off we go to Victoria Station for Venus Birthday Bash due lunch hour .

Everyone was there to spend a great afternoon with her , including the boss and even our lady boss joined the party . You know its time for photo shooting when everyone sat tightly waiting their grubs , took couple of shots as usual . Venus was in a joyful state i could tell since it's her big day , one year older my girl hope you stay pretty forever :)

Victoria Station in my previous experience was famous for its steaks (not spaghetti , no no) , so do you spot that one tiny corner by the right ? Yes spaghetti !!! Who the heck order spaghetti in a steak house ? Again the word from a good samaritan here , skip Victoria's spaghetti or regret for it . It ain't good at all , the others do well but not spaghetti no . So better luck next time placing an order XD

The birthday cake session is a must right ? everyone sing along the birthday song while Venus make her wishes before blowing the candle . It's a warming moment for everyone in company , all of us sincerely hope all her dreams come true . We love you Venus and have a blast on that big day , cheers..

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