Monday 17 September 2012

1st post is always the sweetest

Yup...sweetest as i take my sip of cuppuccino the idea of blogging popped up,might as well give it a shot since the bf always bugged me like: '' dear look at the cam" here i am sharing bits from my random life, oh yea by that i mean Journal by Plan B.

Its a nice concept cafe,i mean located at Publika made anything artsy but Plan B add abit retro taste to some details,perfecting the atmosphere. I guess the Journal theme really came to live from all the old school typewriters welcoming front and the US confidential style menu..

Looks heavy right for a girl? Nah since its my brunch i din't care..It's the Plan B Breakie Platter,not bad but i had to share with sis to finish it.Oh and the cuppuccino taste superb with that creamy flow down throat..

Can't finish the coffee since there's Earl Tea as well..had too much liquid..gotta go to the little girl's room so do excuse me. Before i forget,there's still the Taiwan and Korea trip stuffs which i'm getting all the photos together so do stay tuned to Tyffie's blog.Loves and Peace

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