Wednesday 26 September 2012

Jiu Fen,TW Chapter

This has to be the earliest day everyone wake up , we're heading to Jiu Fen , a popular tourist attraction up on mountain . Well i know Genting image sure pop up in your mind , but this is different . No casino nor theme park , just the richness culture of TW food and crafts . Oh and a sea view tagged along as well XD

It took quite a long journey to there , we have to take train to the area and change to shuttle bus to go all the way up mountain . Sounds like an adventure ? Yeah a tiring one indeed . All the vehicles crazily jammed all the way up , i'm glad myself ain't one of the driver . 

At least everything was worth it , just look at the view here . And i'm not talking about the highest point of the mountain yet . Really amazing scenery , make me can't wait to climb the top of it . The climate is pretty cool and breezy here , totally different than Taipei .

Super crowded today's Jiu Fen since it's public holiday , damn it we have to force our way through the crowd to make it the 1st stop . I sincerely recommend this 60 years history shop , 魚丸伯仔 which means Fishball Uncle hahahha . Cut the joke and dig in to it specialties .

The real 古早味

Some insane fast fishballing skill

Check this mountain of fishballs out !!!!

Yes it's handmade fishball we're talking about here , really salute their way of doing business . After all these years the owner still hold tight to traditional way , this is going to be great for my taste bud .

TW Yong Tau Foo - 阿給

In love with the dried rice noodle

All here for only RM7.50 , cheapzzzzz

Commenting time again , not very feeling the fishball as flour seems to be more than fish meat . But the 阿給 is surprisingly tasting good , minced pork wrapped with dry tofu skin sealed up by the fish paste . Triple layer of texture sensation !!! More goodness coming up.

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