Tuesday 18 September 2012

Taipei,TW Chapter

Recently oversea trip to TW, though i understand it suppose to be Korea's 1st , guess shit happens . Move on to the TW trip then , it was early flight so everyone's still with their sleepy eyes . But we still take a few shots.

Yeap i know , the boyfriend look a bit blur , its too early in morning plus extremely cold.. it's gonna be an exhausting flight too taking four and a half hour . So sweetdreams till TW~~hopefully ....

Reach Taipei finally , ain't no hot summer sun awaiting us but instead rain cats and dogs , rush all the way to our hostel but feels comfortable being here . Staying at Xiang Yang St. in Taipei , super hustle bustle by day... death silent by night . Well ~~ I guess they sleep early!

Dinner time after nice hot bath ~ straight to Shi Lin Nightmarket since its popularity had reach beyond level in TW . There's the lead actor in this market , Hot Star 豪大大雞排 . What so special ain't it's taste but the huge wide facesized fried chicken chop , freak me out .

Now here's the show stopper , after we had bit by bit few kinds of food from the random stalls . Came to this a herbal soup liked cuisine , it's tempting cause i love soupsss ~~ Ordered a herbal ribs soup with rice noodles 十全藥燉排骨米線 , a light taste of herb in the soup full meaty taste from the ribs , what can i ask more ? Plus the rice noodles absorb all the richness from soup , superb... the boyfriend had most of it :P

Still slacking around til midnight , took the last train back to Xiang Yang St . The first day of trip is always the most rush... believe that . All exhausted and straight to the bunker bed recharging for the next day.. and that's a wrap to day 1 in TW .

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