Friday 21 September 2012

Zhong Xiao,TW Chapter

Today's agenda is mainly about Hello Kitty Sweets Cafe , located in the famous street which also a song title - Zhong Xiao St . It's detailed location however is Dun Hwa , the guys unwillingly follow as we girls take the lead haha . Every female should have abit psycho path towards this pink cute kitty XD

Due to it's one of a kind only shop in TW , we already expected the long waiting list for table . Patiently awaiting while scouting around the area , we finally can get in after an hour waiting... That's like taking forever , too damn long . I hope it was worth it .

Once step in everything was in pink colour obviously and cute as hell , welcoming us is a pastry chef making dessert in front of you . This is really special , yumm dessert... Totally on my order list later . Took some shots as usual during the food awaiting... I'm starving til death .

Here comes the food , i guess they wish to add a bit of kittyness in every dishes so the signature head can be found everywhere . Money worth paid ? Maybe... but the taste of food is normal not too impressive , only worthy that the single portion is huge enough for two . 
Might be the selling point - Cute & Huge

After a fully loaded of brunch , dessert time ~~ here comes the kitty strawberry short cake and that glowing custard pudding . Super sweet and creamy i can't deny that , so that's the whole point of this cafe after all . No wonder it's the shop titled , i strongly agree with that (while taking another bite) .

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